The Cross-Party Parliamentary and Local Government Group on UBI (CPPLG) is an innovative new structure consisting of:
It’s co-chaired by MPs, peers and councillors from different parties.
The CPPLG aims to co-produce work to collectively advocate for policy positions, Basic Income pilots and the need to test alternatives to the current system. The aim is to influence the wider debate around UBI and social security in the UK.
This group will improve links between Westminster and elected representatives across the UK. It could be transformative in bringing about positive change and improved ways of working between different levels of government.
Since the Covid-19 crisis started we’ve seen the Overton window shift swiftly in favour of testing some form of UBI, both as an immediate response to the pandemic and potentially as a longer term reform to our social security system.
Even before the crisis, there was a growing movement of local authorities expressing interest in piloting UBI with the Scottish Government commissioning the now complete Feasibility Study exploring what pilots would look like in the UK.
In 2020 alone, Hull, Norwich and Newry, Mourne and Down in Northern Ireland passed motions in support of piloting UBI. The case for regional pilots of UBI is strong, but testing this will require all parts of government - local, regional, city-wide, devolved, and national - working collaboratively.
The purpose of the group is to:
Our values are:
We, alongside the UBI Lab Network, are the CPPLG secretariat.
Liberal Democrat MP for Edinburgh West
SNP MP for Inverclyde
Green Party peer
Alliance Party councillor in Newry, Mourne and Down
Labour MP for Cynon Valley
Co-chair Hina Bokhari
Lib Dem Councillor in Merton. London Assembly Member and Chair of the Economy Committee.